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Kluberquiet BQH 72-102

Manufacturer: KLÜBER LUBRICATION (Germany)
High-purity rolling bearing grease for long-term lubrication
Kluberquiet BQH 72-102 is a synthetic high-temperature lubricating grease. Due to the careful selection of product components and the clean manufacturing environment, Kluberquiet It is a rolling bearing grease with a particularly low noise level. It offers excellent performance characteristics thanks to a high-quality ester oil, a new polyurea thickener and special additives. It is special in that it combines high-temperature resistance and extreme purity.
Benefits for your application
  • Cost savings due to long service life of grease at > 80°C
  • Smooth running, low noise
  • Wide service temperature range allows a variety of applications
  • Long bearing life due to excellent water resistance

Orther products

Features, Application
High-temperature chain oils for the food-processing industry
The Kluberfood NH1 CH 2 Plus oil series comprises synthetic high-temperature chain oils incorporating special base oils ensuring reliable lubrication at high temperatures. They show low evaporation losses and high oxidation stability for optimised relubrication intervals and reduced oil quantities.
The lubricants were developed for incidental contact with products and packaging materials in the food-processing, cosmetics, pharmaceutical or animal feed industries.
Multi-purpose lubricant for high-temperature applications
Klubertemp GR AR 555 is a white, homogeneous long-term grease based on a perfluorinated polyether oil (PFPE) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE).
Klubertemp GR AR 555 offers good corrosion protection and high evaporation stability especially for high-temperature applications.
High-temperature chain oil for transport- and conveyor chains in the automotive industry
Klubersynth CHX 2-220 is a high-temperature oil especially developed with the know-how of a leading automotive paint manufacturer. Due to its compatibility with modern cathodic immersion paint systems it increases process reliability for the operator.
The new type of ester base oil offers better resistance to ageing, and any residues are dissolved by relubrication with fresh oil. Residue formation is low, which means less maintenance and repairs.
Air-hardening PTFE bonded coating
FLUOROPAN T 20 Spray is a whitish-transparent, air-hardening bonded coating based on PTFE and an organic binder.
When FLUOROPAN T 20 Spray has been applied and hardened, it offers high wear resistance, a low friction coefficient and no stick slip at low speeds. Its adhesion on iron and non-ferrous metals and solvent-resistant plastics as well as wood is good.
High-temperature grease for slow-running bearings
Klubersynth BH 72-422 is a synthetic high-temperature grease containing ester as well as perfluorinated polyether (PFPE) oils, and a PTFE thickener.
This grease shows good oil retention at high temperature and is thermally stable, which enables Klubersynth BH 72-422 to extend your relubrication intervals at operating temperatures above 160°C up to 220°C.
High-temperature screw paste
Kluberpaste HEL 46-450 is a black hot screw paste for high-alloy steels. It contains fully synthetic polyalkylene glycol and ester base oils and a combination of inorganic solid lubricants.
Kluberpaste HEL 46-450 is suitable for a temperature range between -40°C and 1000°C. In the normal temperature range (i.e. below 200°C) it shows good anticorrosion behaviour and good water resistance. Above 200°C it acts as a dry lubricant.
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