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Kluberlub OG 11-6000 BH

Manufacturer: KLÜBER LUBRICATION (Germany)
Open Gear Lubricants
Kluberlub OG 11 BH Series are Open Gear Lubricants based on mineral oil, Aluminum Complex Soap thickener and MX technology based on Organo Molybdenum Complex.  
The high viscosity base fluids used in the lubricants provide extreme pressure (EP) and antiwear characteristics to the lubricant.
Benefits for your application
  • Ensures sustained performance even at adverse application conditions of pressure and load
  • Combination of high quality solid lubricant and Aluminum Complex Soap base provides operational reliability even at high temperature.
  • Superior protection to metal surfaces  by use of the MX technology

Orther products

Features, Application
High-temperature and long-term grease for rolling bearings
Kluberplex BEM 41-132 is based on synthetic hydrocarbon oil, mineral oil and a special lithium soap. Special additives ensure optimum oxidation resistance as well as protection against wear and corrosion.
Light-coloured running-in and correction lubricant for open gear rim/pinion drives
Kluberfluid B-F 2 Ultra is a mineral-oil-based running-in and correction lubricant especially developed for immersion, circulation or spray lubrication.
It contains special additives and surface-smoothing solid particles enhancing the running-in process, i.e. physical/mechanical material removal on new tooth flanks.
Kluberfluid B-F 2 Ultra is a fluid grease that is free of bitumen and raw materials containing solvents, heavy metals or chlorine.
Operational lubricant for open drives
Grafloscon C-SG 2000 Ultra is a sprayable adhesive lubricant with a mineral base oil. It contains aluminium complex soap and solid lubricant particles of fine graphite. It is resistant to high pressure and contains antiwear additives, adhesion improvers and corrosion inhibitors. The raw materials used for the manufacture of Grafloscon C-SG 2000 Ultra are free of bitumen, solvents and chlorine.
High-temperature grease for slow-running bearings
Klubersynth BH 72-422 is a synthetic high-temperature grease containing ester as well as perfluorinated polyether (PFPE) oils, and a PTFE thickener.
This grease shows good oil retention at high temperature and is thermally stable, which enables Klubersynth BH 72-422 to extend your relubrication intervals at operating temperatures above 160°C up to 220°C.
High-temperature long-term greases
Klubertemp HM greases are long-term lubricating greases based on perfluoropolyether oil and PTFE which has been specifically designed for high-temperature lubrication. Owing to the base oil viscosity and the high load-carrying capacity, Klubertemp HM greases are particularly suitable for the initial and relubrication of medium-speed rolling bearings subject to high temperatures and loads.
Synthetic air compressor oils for oil change intervals up to 8,000 operating hours
Kluber Summit SB oils are air compressor oils based on synthetic hydrocarbons and additives. These oils are miscible with mineral oils and synthetic hydrocarbon oils, but not with oils based on polyglycol.
Kluber Summit SB oils offer excellent oxidation and ageing stability and show a good viscosity-temperature behaviour.
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