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Power Transmission Belts S-250HR

Manufacturer: HABASIT (Switzerland)
Main industry segments: Yarn processing
Applications: Ring spinning frames, Tangential belt, Twisters and texturing machines
Special features: Abrasion resistant, Constant coefficient of friction, Dimensionally stable

Orther products

Features, Application
TC- 35ER​
Main industry segments: Paper manufacturing, Paper manufacturing and processing, Yarn processing
Applications: Driving belt, Tangential belt
Special features: Dimensionally stable, Energy saving, High modulus of elasticity, Simple and fast joining method
Main industry segments: Paper manufacturing, Paper manufacturing and processing, Yarn processing
Applications: Driving belt, Live roller drive belt, Tangential belt
Special features: Dimensionally stable, Energy saving, High modulus of elasticity, Simple and fast joining method
Ha Noi: 09115 424 16 Da Nang: 09115 724 16 Ho Chi Minh: 09110 424 16